
by Google Developers <x-code> </x-code> <hangout-chat from="Paul, Addy"> <hangout-discussion> <hangout-message from="Paul" profile="profile.png"> <p>Feelin' this Web Components thing.</p> <p>Heard of it?</p> </hangout-message> </hangout-discussion> </hangout-chat> <hangout-chat>...</hangout-chat> var NameTag = document.register('name-tag', { prototype: Object.create(HTMLHeadingElement.prototype) });); var nameTag = new NameTag() var input = document.getElementById('userName') nameTag.bind('value', nameTag, 'name');

implement any missing standardised features.

It's definitely happening.

implement any missing "probably going to be standardised" features to browsers.

"It might happen, we've suggested it be standardised. Here's a working implementation to play with."

Others can build on top of the work going into Polymer

e.g. FirefoxOS uses polymer's platform.js
i.e. browsers that auto-update